Use "unworthy|unworthier|unworthiest" in a sentence

1. He is unworthy to receive such honor.

2. His unworthy son was disentitled the right of inheritance.

3. I felt rejected and unworthy of being loved.

4. Never feel you are too unworthy to pray.

5. A person who cheats is an unworthy winner.

6. At no time must he impute unworthy motives to them.

7. And Ammon declined doing this thing, considering himself an unworthy servant.

8. He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. 

9. You see what caring about savages unworthy of your status brings?

10. Before you go, let them look upon what you thought unworthy.

11. Thereafter the pols rejected Jack as unworthy, and tried to destroy him.

12. Baker feels that he is unworthy to receive such a great award.

13. 22 He considered himself unworthy of the honour they had bestowed on him.

14. Delete from the mind any unworthy thought that tries to take root.

15. Is it that my other sons are unworthy of being crown prince?"

16. Anglos considered them unworthy of the franchise and generally discouraged them from voting

17. Contemptuousness: open dislike for someone or something considered unworthy of one's concern or respect

18. A ferocious dog Barbarous implies a ferocity or mercilessness regarded as unworthy of civilized people

19. What Is Belittling Behaviour In Relationships? Belittling is the act of making someone feel unworthy

20. Contempt: open dislike for someone or something considered unworthy of one's concern or respect

21. -That have dared on this unworthy scaffold to bring forth so great an object.

22. Longing for my previous life-style, I felt unworthy of my role as mother.

23. To be Brushed is to be disrespected; paid no attention to, deemed unworthy of contact

24. The aim of calisthenics is for health but unworthy getting injured as improper sports methods.

25. Do not allow, my Savior, that they be soiled by anything unworthy of your sacred heart. "

26. Caping is slang for "defending or supporting" someone, especially someone considered unworthy of it.

27. Furthermore, as spiritual men who now possessed a knowledge of these mysteries, they judged Paul unworthy.

28. Antonyms for Bang up include worthless, terrible, unworthy, bad, insignificant, empty, futile, inconsequential, ineffectual and atrocious

29. See also: Condescend, to Condescend to (do something) To do something that one feels is unworthy or

30. See also: Condescend, to Condescend to (do something) To do something that one feels is unworthy or

31. The true collector should never allow himself to be beguiled into buying an unworthy copy of a book.

32. A splendid or an affecting story may be degraded or Belittled by being told in an unworthy style

33. Luther considered himself unworthy of God’s favor and was at times driven to despair by a guilty conscience.

34. Considering contemporary reality unworthy of “exalted” art, Academism presented instead timeless and nonnational norms of beauty, idealized images, and

35. A seraph attending the throne flew over, and touched him at the very point where he felt most unworthy.

36. Baseborn—guilty-born—attainted by my father's crimes, I am unworthy your love or a place in your thoughts

37. Baseborn —guilty-born—attainted by my father's crimes, I am unworthy your love or a place in your thoughts

38. 2 A seraph attending the throne flew over, and touched him at the very point where he felt most unworthy.

39. The limits of the rule of relevance are important, since some evidence is deemed unworthy of Admissibility even though relevant

40. The organization pronounced the forceful rejection of any expression of unpatriotic, Annexationist content and the unworthy attitude in the song

41. Lithuanian was considered to be a Barbarous language, unworthy of religious use, so Polish was used for all official religious business

42. (GEORGE JOHN) WHYTE-MELVILLE In a word, by a process of moral Aggravation that is unworthy a great and liberal Press

43. While all these words mean "to regard as unworthy of one's notice or consideration," Contemn implies a vehement condemnation …

44. Lithuanian was considered to be a Barbarous language, unworthy of religious use, so Polish was used for all official religious business.

45. Next, “Below” and “beneath” can refer to people or things that are unworthy in some way or of a lower social ranking.

46. The poor are entitled to partake of the banquet which the "great Almoner" wants to be open "to all, worthy and unworthy" (cf.

47. One can easily become disenchanted with over-professionalized people who are undoubtedly unworthy when subjected to the judgment of more reflective scholars.

48. What irks Mamata ' s acolytes is that in a make - or - break election she may be sticking her neck out for unworthy candidates .

49. Baseness (countable and uncountable, plural Basenesses) The quality or condition of being base. The quality of being unworthy to hold virtues or value.

50. Trust is a risky business, and you may feel unworthy of receiving someone’s help —or be too ashamed to talk about your abuse.

51. Actuated: 1 adj moved to action “a man Actuated by unworthy desired” Synonyms: motivated provided with a motive or given incentive for action

52. You are seeking the Consulship, an office of which no one thinks you unworthy, but of which there are many who will be jealous

53. (Matthew 20:20-23) Specific standards of faith and conduct have been established by God so as to bar the admittance of unworthy ones.

54. In a surprising turn of events, historically derided as weak, effeminate and unworthy of manhood, the Brahmin has come under the lens for 'Brahminical patriarchy'.

55. Whether we feel unworthy, alienated, or anxious about our place in the world — the absence of Belonging is the great silent wound of our times

56. There are also several similar words to Baseborn in our dictionary, which are Base, Common, Contemptible, Dishonorable, Humble, Ignoble, Inferior, Mean, Plebeian, Unwashed and Unworthy

57. Appropriately, too, the Bible lists fornicators, adulterers, thieves and extortioners as, all alike, unworthy of an inheritance in the new system of things under God’s kingdom.—1 Cor.

58. While all these words mean "showing fury or malignity in looks or actions," Barbarous implies a ferocity or mercilessness regarded as unworthy of civilized people.

59. Any man in this Church who abuses his wife, who demeans her, who insults her, who exercises unrighteous dominion over her is unworthy to hold the priesthood.

60. In all other cases in which trilobite Biramous appendages have been reported variations among serial Biramous appendages are generally viewed to be minor and unworthy of designation as distinct tagma

61. These two convictions have gone ' into oblivion - oblivion reserved by history for all unworthy deeds . The fame and lustre of Tilak has grown and increased with the passage of time . . . "

62. If, as this Jewish scholar suggests, Gehenna was used for the disposal of refuse and carcasses of those deemed unworthy of burial, fire would be a suitable means of eliminating such refuse.

63. When a leper came to him seeking a cure, Jesus did not dismiss the man as unclean and unworthy, nor did he make a spectacle by calling attention to himself.

64. But not only did he utterly curb-stomp Noel, he Bemeaned her usage of guns, combined with her weakness and derided her as a weak and unworthy addition of the Pantheon

65. Full of Benignities, and an unflinching recognition that, without question, there is no living soul unworthy of forgiveness except Harold, and now Marcus, and possibly McKenzie, but really no one else beyond redemption

66. He prayed, acknowledging that he was unworthy of Jehovah’s generosity and appealing to God on the basis of His promises that he and his family be delivered from Esau’s hand. —Genesis 32:2-12.

67. 1594, William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet: Doth she not count her Blest, / Unworthy as she is, that we have wrought / So worthy a gentleman to be her bridegroom? 1850, Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

68. Antikathode analitička metoda Olympic haikaishi unworthy kromi chausson znanstvena komunikacija iecusculum يفطم عن الرّضاعة :: فطم :: يفتصل tu drug pusher pjesma građevinsko zemljište cuffed fogas przechodzić struktura poslovnih aktivnosti windlass earning to exert oneself kalayaan, kasarinlan borne infektado Trojanac

69. Undisputed THIGH MEAT GODDESS Ashanti celebrated her 40th birthday–YES, FOR-TEE–by blessing us unworthy lessers with sun-kissed thigh meats from Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda where she reminded everyone that she’s a Top 5 baddie in the game.

70. Surrounded by a crowd of slaves, mistresses and flatterers, they permitted the empire to be administered by unworthy favourites, while they squandered the money wrung from the provinces on costly buildings and expensive gifts to the churches of the metropolis.

71. The Blunderer of the title, Walter Stackhouse, is a classic study in simmering repressed aggression, writing secret essays on the “unworthy friendships” among the people he knows and nursing a fascination for a total stranger whom he suspects of being a wife-murderer

72. Based on this definition, here's how I'm defining money shame: "the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed, and therefore unworthy of love and belonging, based on our bank account balances, our debts, our homes, our cars and our job titles."

73. Antitheses of fire and ice were endlessly elaborated and adapted by Petrarchan poets to describe the emotions of the lover, who simultaneously and sequentially experiences desire for his beloved together with shame, because his desire is carnal in nature and he considers himself unworthy of her.

74. The extent and amplitude of the words " conduct of a member " have not beeni defined exhaustively , and it is within the powers of thej House in each case to determine whether a member has acted in an unbecoming manner or has acted in a manner unworthy of a member of Parliament .

75. Coxcomb (n.) "a vain, shallow fellow, a fop," 1570s, from cokkes comb (1560s, see cockscomb), the name of a device worn in the cap by licensed fools.Johnson has coxcomical (adj.) "foppish, conceited," but discourages it as "a low word unworthy of use."

76. Contemptible: 1 adj deserving of contempt or scorn Synonyms: abject , low , low-down , miserable , scummy , scurvy of the most Contemptible kind bastardly , mean of no value or worth pathetic , pitiable , pitiful inspiring mixed contempt and pity ignoble completely lacking nobility in character or quality or purpose unworthy lacking in value

77. Contemptible (adj.) late 14c., "despicable, worthy of contempt," also "lowly, humble, unworthy," from Late Latin contemptibilis "worthy of scorn," from contempt-, past-participle stem of Latin contemnere "to scorn, despise," from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + *temnere "to slight, scorn," which is of uncertain origin (see contempt).

78. (verb) Probably his judgment of the situation was Correct; yet, in view of Sennacherib's failure at Jerusalem in 701 and of the admitted strength of the city, the hope of the Jewish nobles could not be considered wholly unfounded, and in any case their patriotism (like that of the national party in the Roman siege) was not unworthy of admiration.

79. Karl Ludwig Lorenz Binding (4 June 1841 – 7 April 1920) was a German jurist known as a promoter of the theory of retributive justice.His influential book, Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens ("Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Living"), written together with the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche, was used by the Nazis to justify their T-4 Euthanasia Program.

80. Finery is the French Braverie The French for courage is bravoure “What woman in the city do I name When that I say the city woman bears The cost of princes on unworthy shoulders? Who can come in and say that I mean her? Or what is he of basest function That says his bravery is not of my cost?” Shakespeare: As You Like It, ii 7 feeling no fear